unix commands
sorts by swap size
prstat -s rss
splits files into 100mb chunks
split -b 100m file_name
watch all tcp parameters at solaris level
netstat -s -P tcp
find number of open files for a particular process
cd /proc/19915/fd ; ls -lrth | wc -l
check all open files for all process
ls -lrth /proc/*/fd | wc -l
check full number of open files
/usr/sbin/lsof | wc -l
check virtual memory of a paricular process
ps -p -o vsz
check RAM installed solaris Box
/usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/prtdiag
want to know which Linux thread library java is linked to?
ldd /usr/java/jre1.5.0_11/bin/java
make two commands communicate through a named pipe
mkfifo iHaveBeenPiped ls -al split/* | head >iHaveBeenPiped
remote execution
ssh admin@ '/export/home/user/user.sh'
show process working directory
top in solaris
find PIDs of a process and kill all instances
ps -ef | grep ws_sched_600.sh | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
Report fstat(2) and fcntl(2) information for all open files in each process. In addition, a path to the file is reported if the information is available from /proc/pid/path.
deletes files of a particular month
ls -lrth | grep -i mar | awk '{print $9}' | xargs rm
deletes 5 days older logs everyday at 4am
0 4 * * * * find /apache/logs/error_log* -ctime +5 -exec rm {} \;
It allows access to the basic and privileged limits on the Process ID
find a pattern in files
find . -type f| xargs grep 8860087346
patches installed in weblogic
[WLS_HOME]\utils\bsu>bsu -report -bea_home=[WLS_HOME] -output_format=text
lists all jobs running in unix
brings background hob in foreground
puts job in background
kills nth number of process
kill %n
brings nth number process in foreground
fg %n
sar 3 10
sar number_of_intervals number_of_times
check script execution
bash -x
check reverse routing in solaris
netstat -nr
shift + F will continue to read ouptut from file
this directory contains many binries like openssl and gcc
ethernet cards information
/usr/sbin/ifconfig -a
deletes 3 days old files under backup dir
/usr/bin/find /dir/folder/* -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;
pattern search in multple path
grep -i Error /weblogic/bea11/domain/servers/XYZ?/logs/XYZ?.log
grep one file in multiple paths
grep -i ProxyService_56744 MS?/MS?.log
grep 2 patterns in a file
egrep -i 'bridge|stuck' /dir_path/MS?/MS?.log
#find all pid for a port
netstat -tulpn | grep 80
find PID of port
/usr/sbin/lsof -t -i :8081
find PID of port
/sbin/fuser 8081/tcp
find present working directory of a PID
ls -l /proc/30375/cwd
executable file of a PID
ls -l /proc/30375/exe
grep only that word in a file
grep -w
//find the files whose timestamps are earlier than the reference file find . ! -newer /tmp/timeref -exec ls -l {} \; | more //Delete those files find . ! -newer /tmp/timeref -exec rm {} \; # find . -mtime 0 # find files modified within the past 24 hours # find . -mtime -1 # find files modified within the past 24 hours # find . -mtime 1 # find files modified between 24 and 48 hours ago # find . -mtime +1 # find files modified more than 48 hours ago # find . -mmin +5 -mmin -10 # find files modifed between 6 and 9 minutes ago