Get 100% Free Azure Certification : AZ900 , DP900 , AI900 Exams from Microsoft
Yes You can easily give these 3 exams free of cost by just attending a virtual training which is give by Microsoft on weekly basis: Follow these 3 steps to get certified for Free in All 3 fundamental exam.

Register for Training
Go to Microsoft Virtual Training Days:
& register for below 3 fundamentals trainings, ensure you use a Microsoft email id * or * , as it is easy to manage Microsoft account with Microsoft ID
For AZ900 – Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals

AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals

Register on the available dates
Ensure the email is same as of your microsoft learn profile, as the exam will get linked to the same email id:
2 – Attend the training
You will receive a calendar invite in your email, set a reminder if needed and plan to join the Training session on the given day.
- If you are busy on that day and can not focus properly on the session that day, Just login and keep it running, it will count it as present and you will be eligible for the free exam
- If you miss to login , then you will not get the free exam
3 – Schedule the Free Exam:
You will get confirmation after few days, thanking you to participate in the training
Click on the link (which you attended and received confirmation)
Select your corresponding country & then schedule :

Ensure you are logged in with the same Microsoft account which you used to join the training.
On Exam Registration Page, Go to Exam Discounts Section:

- Click on Claim button, It will effectively waive off any fees associated with exam
- Click on Schedule Exam to schedule it on pearson site on available dates & slots,
- Once Scheduled you will get below confirmation on the screen

- Keep an reminder in Calendar to not miss the date 🙂
- Happy Learning & All the best
- Also best learning material is available under the exam page only, with hands on examples, labs etc. it will help in preparing for the exams.