Configure Oracle HTTP Server infront of Oracle WebLogic Server
1. Install WebLogic Server and define server listening on port XXXX (7001 in this example)
2. Install Oracle HTTP Sever 11g
3. Modify mod_wl_ohs.conf
a) For weblogic single instance
<Location /console>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicHost MS1
WeblogicPort 7001
* This will forward /console from HTTP server to /console on WebLogic Server MS1:7001
b) For Weblogic instances in cluster
<Location /myServerURL>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicCluster MS1:7010,MS2:7010
* This will forward /myServerURL from HTTP server to /myServerURL on WebLogic Cluster MS1:7010 and MS2:7010
4. Restart HTTP Server
$INSTANCE_HOME/ bin/ opmnctl startall
5. Test that you can access application deployed on Weblogic using Oracle HTTP Server like
( http_port you can see or set in httpd.conf )