Apache installation & integration with Weblogic on Linux

I. Download from :
II. Install the apache web server in Linux:

Step 1: first unzip the file on zip file
gunzip httpd-2.0.55.gz
Step 2: tar file is open. Untar that file
tar –xvf httpd-2.o.55.tar
The file will display httpd-2.o.55
Step 3: cd httpd-2.0.55
./configure —prefix= \home\Apache2.2\Apache
make install
The install is completed.

III. Check Apache servers running processes:
ps -ef | grephttpd | grep -v grep
1) To start apache -httpd –k start
2) To stop apache –httpd –k stop
3) To Restart apache –httpd –k restart
4) home\Apache2.2\Apache\conf\bin folder in(Main configuration file in Apache) is “httpd.conf”

IV. Integrate Apache with WebLogic Server: 
Open httpd.conf(\home\Apache2.2\Apache\conf) file and to do the following steps are:
step 1) Make sure the Apache server runs on port 8080. This can be done by modifying the httpd.conf present at
Modify the Listen port to 8080

Listen 8080

Step 2) Copy the mod_wl_20.so from <mw_home>\wlserver_10.3\server\plugin\linux\64 to

Step 3) Add these lines in the httpd.conf file

LoadModule weblogic_module modules/mod_wl_20.so

<Location />
SetHandler weblogic-handler
<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
WebLogicCluster localhost:7003,localhost:7005
Debug ON
WLLogFile c:/temp/wlproxy.log
WLTempDir c:/temp

Step 4) Restart Apache and access the application deployed on the Cluster using 
Note: If non-cluster enviroment place WeblogicHost instead of WebLogicCluster


This will forward the request to the Weblogic Cluster For More detailed Steps & working proedure please visit below Online training links:

Or Full weblogic Online training Playlist:

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